Lauren Williams

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thing #2

I didn't really have any experience with blogs, reading them or writing them. To be honest, I would much prefer to read a book and have it right in front of me. I guess that I prefer old fashioned methods of communication. Creating the blog was easy since I was able to do it in class with verbal step by step instructions. The avatar on the other hand was completely maddening to me. I am definitely a verbal learner and trying to maneuver the sites without being in the classroom completely confused me. I decided to use my middle name for my site because there are tons of Lauren Williams in the world so I guess that I like to stand out. My avatar I think does resemble me and I'm really excited about my little flower. I believe that you need to represent yourself in a true light, especially on technology forums. If you can't be yourself online how can you expect to be yourself in public.


  1. I am completely with you on the old fashioned ways of doing things! I would also much rather have a book that I can read in front of me than something on the computer.

  2. I love how you mentioned, "if you can't be yourself online how can you be yourself in public?" That is such a true statement! That is exactly what I had in mind when I made my avatar.
